

A programme that helps you deepen the connection with self to redefine your health goals, explore what works best for you, and set up a solid foundation for your health.

Register your interest here to have an introduction call.

Let’s imagine yourself —


〰 Having a strong understanding about yourself and your behaviours

〰 Being able to trust yourself and follow your body’s cues

〰 Feeling confident about your body and respecting yourself at the highest level

〰 Feeling empowered to thrive for better self-development

〰 Having a set of self-care tools to overcome any resistance and obstables on your journey to a healthier lifestyle

〰 Having the freedom to decide what works best for you and your health

Being in charge of your life

Through these 8 weeks, you will be learning:

  • Week 1. Explore behaviours & triggers, cultivate self-awareness

    • Learn how behaviours are developed

    • How triggers drive your behaviours and your responses toward health

    • Introduction to cultivate self-awareness.

  • Week 2. Deepen self-connection, overcome self-limiting beliefs

    • Develop methods to connect with your inner-body self

    • Identify your ego, your wants and don’t-wants, your values and beliefs

    • Learn to speak to yourself with respect and love to break the chain of negative and self-limiting beliefs

  • Week 3. Apply the EMPOWER formula to your daily life

    • Receive a supporting tool to better respond to unhealthy behaviours’ triggers

    • Explore the potential methods that are empowering and work best for you

    • Develop external and internal support systems to behaviour change

  • Week 4. Discover your inner strengths & develop tools to self-empowerment

    • Explore how you can be in charge of old behaviours (aka. your auto-pilot) and overcome triggers

    • Find strength and empowerment within you by deepening the relationship with yourself

    • Cultivate self-acceptance and self-love

  • Week 5. Understand how your relationship with food affects your health

    • Redefine what food means to you

    • Understand how you feel about each food could affect your approach to health

    • Introduction to mindful eating and intuitive eating

  • Week 6. Reframe the role of fitness

    • Build an understanding toward intuitive movements to support health

    • Find the barriers between you, physical activities, and your overall wellness

    • Learn to exercise from a place of self-love, not self-hate

  • Week 7. Learn your "goal maps" to take charge of your success

    • Develop a manifest view of what works best toward your health goals

    • Map out an agenda of what is holding you back from achieving your goals

    • Understand the power of manifestation and gratitude

  • Week 8. Create your own health expert's manual

    • Feel confident to set off your health goals

    • Lean on your intuition and empowerment to build discipline and motivation

    • Reflect and redefine your health journey for a sustainable and joyful lifestyle

Client’s love

  • This program has changed my mindset and awareness towards my wellness. It has also improved my relationship with food/myself and helped me so much with my anxiety and stress eating. I've gained confidence in myself .

    Melanie. L

  • I am feeling invigorated and with a renewed sense of purpose! I have been able to break down some key issues and address them resulting in a wholistic overhaul and improvement to my health.

    Laura. O

  • At first, I thought I could learn how to lose weight from health coaching with Angela. However, she helped me understand so much more about my health than just how I look and what shows on the scale.

    Yin. T

  • Thank you for guiding through these 8 weeks, and guiding me about food and self-care. The process of self-care has been very enriching. And I have created a different view on food. Through this programme, I have learnt to love real food. I am happier with food choices now.


  • It’s been months after our 8-week wellness foundation programme and I am so happy to share that it is certainly life changing. It definitely takes practice but you have set a good foundation for me. It really works! My life has changed for the better.

    Tiffany. L

The investment to your health

Choose from two payment options:



One time payment

SGD 890


Two payments of

SGD 460

What’s included:

8 Weekly 1:1 Coaching Calls

Each session is conducted via Zoom or Skype (or any preferred video calls) of 50-60 minutes coaching session. All modules are listed above.

Digital handout materials

You will receive related materials to read and to work with throughout these 8 weeks.

Constant support

The journey to success requires support from others, and I am honoured to be a part of your journey.

Access to all future workshops

Once you are enrolled, you are automatically eligible for all future workshops. You will be notified when there is any wellness workshop coming.

One free empowering Session

This session you can schedule anytime after finishing your 8-week Wellness Foundation Programme. Think of it as an extra fuel to recharge and make your engine run smoothly.



Will I get a workout plan or a meal plan?

It would not be the purpose of the programme. It is about you and finding out what works best for you before commiting to any training or diet programmes. Again, it is about the foundation before building up anything on top of that. However, as a Personal Trainer and a Nutrition Coach, you would be advised with anything that you are curious about regarding training and nutrition.

How does the programme work?

The programme lasts 8 weeks and you just need to spare 50-60 minutes a week for our 1-on-1 coaching call. Each session provides a homework for you to focus on throughout the week. Don’t worry, it won’t be difficult because it needs to me easy and relatable to you.

Will I lose weight?

The purpose of this programme is to deepen your connection with yourself and your behaviours. Understanding yourself, your motivation, your discipline allows you to re-set your health goals. At the same time, you will learn how to eat and train intuitively which will helps your weight loss journey as well as having a healthy balance in life.

However, weight loss is not the intention of this programme, because it is heavily based on body- and self-acceptance.

What if I don’t have time for our calls and doing my homework?

I understand that time might not be always convenient for you. That’s why I will try to accommodate to your convenient time. As a coach, I am here to support you however I can.

At the same, if you think that you don’t have time, perhaps you might not be ready to commit to making this change. It might sound a bit aggressive, but the first thing you need to start a journey is to make time. You are the authority of your life - you cannot want to work on yourself but not make time for yourself.

How can I pay?

An invoice will be sent to your email with a QR code that you can make the payment safely via bank transfers or PayNow.

I want to start but I just don’t have the money.

I totally understand if you physically don’t have the money right now. What I’d like you to consider is how much money you have already spent on trying to overcome your struggles at work, health, relationships - including shopping, alcohol consumption, binge-eating, supplements, online training programmes.

This is an investment for yourself and I am confident that you would be thankful for making this investment one day. If you could calculate your weekly expenses, what is the one thing that is not serving you and your health right now, and how much you can save from not spending money on it?

If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out and get in touch here.

So, are you ready to get started?