30 days of cultivating positive body image

  • A self-practice guide to help you cultivate mindfulness and positivity towards body image with daily small tasks. This allows you to deepen the connection with your body and develop self-acceptance.

    Throughout these 30 days of practice, you may find a new routine, new ways to communicate with your body, and a mindful practice that you can apply to daily life.

  • It is designed to be simple and achievable in support of creating a lasting change.

    Set aside time (5-10 minutes/day) to finish each task. It is encouraged to keep a notebook to keep track of your progress throughout these 30 days. Follow the sequence, tick off each day as you go to create a sense of achievement.

    This workbook can be used anytime whenever you need a reset.

    • Strengthen the relationship with your body

    • Cultivate positivity towards body image by realigning your mindset and regaining trust in your body

    • Understand how positive body image supports your journey to health

    • Learn to prioritise time for self-care

    • An introduction to meditation & journaling

    • Consistent practice with small & achievable tasks create positive sustainable changes

  • SGD 28 (less than S$1/day)